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Projects that we believe in

Carried out campaigns

We rescue dogs and all other animals suffering on the streets and in shelters. Our mission is to educate people about the importance of companion animals in our society and to reduce the number of stray animals through sterilization.

Proiecte în care credem

Campanii derulate

Salvăm câinii și toate celelalte animale care suferă pe străzi și în adăposturi. Misiunea după care ne ghidăm activitatea este aceea de a educa oamenii cu privire la importanța animalelor de companie în societatea noastră și de a reduce numărul de animale fără stăpân prin sterilizarea lor.

Donează acum

We support war refugees from Ukraine by providing free services, facilitating the process of obtaining passports for their animals, as well as providing food and other necessary supplies.
See testimonial
We search for and find warm homes and caring souls for animals. We offer animals for adoption to responsible owners both nationally and internationally.
See animals available for adoption
Free sterilization
Free sterilization campaigns for community cats and dogs, as well as owned pets. We aim to acquire a mobile veterinary clinic for sterilization in underserved areas.
Access the sterilization group
Informing campaigns
We support themed events to raise awareness about issues concerning owned and stray animals. We promote information and education campaigns on the importance of sterilization. We regularly organize charity raffles and contests with prizes, and actively engage in the community.
See the events
#BuildingAShelter - our heartfelt project. We are considering the establishment of our own animal shelter to ensure high standards of accommodation and care for homeless animals.
Find out more

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